Environment Variables ======================== vLLM uses the following environment variables to configure the system: .. warning:: Please note that ``VLLM_PORT`` and ``VLLM_HOST_IP`` set the port and ip for vLLM's **internal usage**. It is not the port and ip for the API server. If you use ``--host $VLLM_HOST_IP`` and ``--port $VLLM_PORT`` to start the API server, it will not work. All environment variables used by vLLM are prefixed with ``VLLM_``. **Special care should be taken for Kubernetes users**: please do not name the service as ``vllm``, otherwise environment variables set by Kubernetes might conflict with vLLM's environment variables, because `Kubernetes sets environment variables for each service with the capitalized service name as the prefix `_. .. literalinclude:: ../../../vllm/envs.py :language: python :start-after: begin-env-vars-definition :end-before: end-env-vars-definition