🤗 Diffusers 是用于生成图像、音频,甚至分子 3D 结构的最先进的预训练扩散模型的首选库。无论你是在寻找简单的推理解决方案,还是想要训练自己的扩散模型,🤗 Diffusers 都是一个支持两者的模块化工具箱。我们的库的设计重点是 易用性优先于性能,简单优先于容易,以及 可定制性优先于抽象。
- 最先进的扩散管道,只需几行代码即可进行推理。🤗 Diffusers 中有许多管道,请查看管道 概述 中的表格,以获取可用管道的完整列表及其解决的任务。
- 可互换的 噪声调度器,用于平衡生成速度和质量之间的权衡。
- 预训练的 模型,可以用作构建块,并与调度器结合使用,以创建你自己的端到端扩散系统。
Learn the fundamental skills you need to start generating outputs, build your own diffusion system, and train a diffusion model. We recommend starting here if you're using 🤗 Diffusers for the first time!
Practical guides for helping you load pipelines, models, and schedulers. You'll also learn how to use pipelines for specific tasks, control how outputs are generated, optimize for inference speed, and different training techniques.
Understand why the library was designed the way it was, and learn more about the ethical guidelines and safety implementations for using the library.
Technical descriptions of how 🤗 Diffusers classes and methods work.